climate change-bees are disorientated by flowers’ changing scents

Monday 18 November 2019

Britannica and Encarta

  • Both reliable.
  • Both available online
  • Both use academic language
  • Both arranged in alphabetical order
  • Easy to use

Summary - Hepatitis


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It is most often caused by a virus. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis. The various forms of hepatitis are A, B and C. some people with hepatitis have no symptoms. symptoms may include diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting and jaundice. Blood tests and liver ultrasound tests are using to diagnose hepatitis. Treatment depends on the type of hepatitis. People who are diagnosed with hepatitis can talk to the doctor about the treatment options. Follow good personal hygiene practices and good food handling procedures are the best ways to prevent hepatitis.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Housing affordability in Australia

The chart shows the  nominal median house prices in each of the capital cities in March 1980 and March 2016 in Australia. It has been an enormous increase in house prices in all major cities like Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. In 1980 house prices were stable compared with prices in 2016.
Between 1980 and 2016, capital city home prices rose an average of 15 times in Sydney and 17 times in Melbourne. In overall, the housing affordability has been going down as the prices have been continuing to rise.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

                                                               Threatened and endangered species

World changes have been very fast recently due to human population, colonisation, poverty,human greed and disease.Humans have accelerated the extinction of many species.The threatened species are divided into critically endangered and endangered. Orangutan,the black rhinoceros and the Sumatran tigers are endangered species and Asiatic lion and the pygmy hippopotamus are the Vulnerable species.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Note Taking

- Pollinators are under threat and declining from agricultural intensification and climate change.
- Pollinators rely on visual signals but climate alters the scent of plants.
- to protect wild bees &their function of pollination, it is important to measure the climate change.


Most of the pollinators are insects from the bee family. Insects are plying important part in the reproduction of wild plants and transporting pollen from one flower to another. Pollinators use their senses of sight and smell to identify the density, colour and scent of flowers.Over the past 30 years, Pollinator populations are declining. Pollinators are under threat due to agricultural development and climate change. Climate change affects the scent of plants. Pollinators are rely on visual signals such as colour,number of flowers and floral scent to search their food. Climate change increases the risk of drought and temperatures, causes stress in plants, affecting their floral scent. Climate change in pollination research measured how bees responded to the change of floral scent and looked at the impact of their choices on fruit production. It is important to measure how climate change affects the production of floral resources to protect wild bees and their function.

Personal opinion

Pollinators help for more than 30% of global food production. To protect bees and other native pollinators and provide them with the right food sources to thrive. People should help to control the climate change to protect the pollinators and their function.